Posts Tagged ‘Google+’

The Ripple Effects of Random Acts of Kindness

Dear Friends –

As I sat to write my blog post last Friday afternoon for this week, I couldn’t find the words to say. I was riveted to the TV and all of the news going on in Newtown, Connecticut.  I am still so saddened that so many innocent lives were lost.  I hope and pray that there will be comfort and peace on some level at some time for these families and the community.

Today I debated about talking about what I have been feeling over the past few days especially with all of the media coverage, but decided that this is a good forum to extend, engage & explore with all of you how we feel now and how we can show up differently in the days, weeks, months & years to follow. Read more

Hanging Out with Google+

Last week I participated in a Google+ HIRL (Hangout In Real Life) event.  This event provided the opportunity for locals in the Kansas City area to get mini-sessions on how to set-up and use Google+.  If you would like to see more about it, follow the hashtag #LearnG+KC.  In case you don’t know what a hangout is, Google+ has this really cool feature where you can “hangout” with 10 people – share your screen and/or documents and see each person FOR FREE.  (Think Skype on steroids with free features.)

This real life hangout allowed 100+ people to gather, network & learn together.  What worked for this event was that it provided a social atmosphere – food, drink, & networking along with a give-back to SafeHome  (entrance fee was $5 or 5 canned goods for the non-profit).  According to recent stats on G+, the site is 63% male, but this HIRL attracted women along with the men.

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Squirrel – How to Resist the Shiny Object Syndrome of Social Media: 5 Questions To Ask Before Adding Or Jumping To A New Social Media Site

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Digg, Delicious, Tumblr, WordPress, Instagram, flickr, Pinterest, Google+, MySpace, LittleMonsters…the names go on and on and will continue to grow from year to year.  How do you have an effective social media marketing plan and still keep up?

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