Posts Tagged ‘CANnonDo’

Coffee and a Post

Coffee and a Post  When I poll a group of entrepreneurs or small business owners about what their biggest challenge is for social media, I hear time and time again, “it takes so much time.” I can already tell you are nodding “yes,” with that answer as well. I get it! Social media does seem to be one of those time-traps.

Last weekend I was discussing with my husband, Gus, the topics I was going to speak about in some upcoming keynotes and workshops. I told him that time management seems to be a very hot topic. He mentioned that he sees lots of people having a cup of coffee while scrolling through social media on their phones. We talked about if someone used that time to actually post, wouldn’t it seem like it didn’t take as much time? He then said, “Coffee and a Post”. (Have I told you yet, that I married a brilliant guy?!)

Now, to make your posts valuable content and simple to do while sipping your coffee, you have to know what to post ahead of time. That is where a simple social media content plan comes in handy. I truly believe that not having a plan is the biggest issue, but also finding a way to slip in the time to work the plan is the second largest issue.

Today I am introducing, Coffee and a Post™.

Each day when you have your morning beverage (whether it be coffee, tea, soda, juice, water, etc.), pause, then get your phone out and make your social media post. You CANnonDo it! This also works for later in the day, so consider doing, Wine and a Post™. It doesn’t matter what the beverage is; what matters is that if you are pausing to check your phone during a brief break anytime during the day, you have time to maintain a consistent social media presence for your business. That presence may be posting new content, sharing content from peers, or responding to follower engagement (comments, likes, replies).

If you want help with a simple updating plan, reach out for a coaching session with Vicki.

11 CANnonDo Facebook Security Tips For You

Vicki S. Cannon - Social Media - CANnonDo - Privacy and Security

Facebook security is important. There are so many different ways that your account can be placed at risk. Use these CANnonDo Facebook security tips to protect you and your account.

1. Turn On Login Approvals
Require a security code to access your account from unknown browsers by requiring login approvals.
– Click in the top right of Facebook and select Settings
– Click on Security on the left side
– Choose “Login Approvals”: Require a security code to access my account from unknown browsers

2. Don’t Do Facebook Quizzes
Examples: personality tests, friend comparison, most liked photos, most used words, TV Mom you are most like, etc.
– By taking these “fun quizzes” you may be unwittingly providing these app companies with a ton of your personal data
– Some of this data may be used to guess your passwords, hack accounts, and even steal your identity
– Some apps are malicious. They contain viruses, worms, malware or some other way of harming you. They might steal things like your personal information, others’ contact information, or passwords and share them with others

3. Do Not Accept a Second Friend Requests From People That You Are Already Friends With
Scammers send friend requests out from a fake profile that looks like yours.
– Your friends may think it is you and accept when in fact, it’s a cloned account
– The scammers can then post messages that your friends may think were written by you.
– Private messages are then sent to the new friends of this cloned account (which still looks like you). Typically the message gives a story that you are in a dire situation and need money wired immediately
– If you receive a request from someone you think you are friends with, search their name and double check
– Report the cloned account to Facebook and warn your friend
– See how to protect your account in item #4

4. Hide your Friends List
This protects you from having a cloned account created as mentioned above.
– Go to your profile
– Click on “Friends”
– Click on the pencil
– Edit Privacy
– “Friends” or “Only Me”

5. Don’t Like, Comment, Share To Win Prizes
This is how this works: A fake name brand account has been created. Posted to the page is a contest for a giveaway. You are asked to share, comment & like the page to win.
Examples: SouthWest AIR instead of Southwest Airlines (that has a verified check beside it)
– If the post promises prizes for liking, commenting and sharing, it is a likely a hoax/scam
– By engaging with these activities, you are showing scammers that you are gullible which can make you a target for future scams

6. When You Go Out of Town, Don’t Post Until You Get Back
Posting pictures while on vacation is providing an advertisement that your home is empty and can be easily robbed.

7. Posting Pictures or Updates to Social Media, Should Always be Considered to be Public
Anything online could get spread wider than you intended, so make sure you never share anything too specific about your child or his/her location.

8. Don’t Accept Friend Requests From People You Don’t Know
Attractive women (many times they are scantily clad) reach out to men.
Attractive men (with cars, boats and sometimes children) reach out to women.
– Delete the request

9. Hide Your Birth Year
Providing this information makes it easier for your identity to be stolen.
To change:
– On your profile click on “Update Information”
– Contact & Basic Info
– Birth Year
– Edit
– Only You

10. Do Not Share Personal Information
Reminder that placing your address and phone number on your profile or in a message makes that information public.

11. Block Apps or Games
– Click in the top right of Facebook and select Settings
– Click Blocking in the left column
– In the Block apps section, type the name of the app or game you want to block. To unblock an app or game, click Unblock next to its name

If you need additional assistance with your Facebook security, reach out to me on Facebook with your question.  ~ Vicki