Trying to Out-Wit Facebook’s EdgeRank

Do you have a Facebook Page for your business?  How are you feeling about your “number of people who saw this post” count?  It seems like everyday we are needing to find new and different ways to outwit Facebook’s EdgeRank.  (For those of you not familiar with Edgerank – it is the algorithm that Facebook uses to determine who gets to see your Facebook post.)

For a while, the visual-media aspect of loading an image was given more exposure, but more and more studies over the past few months have indicated that text-only posts (no images or links) are gaining more views.  The question becomes, what do I post to get the most exposure without having to pay for it?

I’ve done a few tests of my own with my Facebook Page: Cannon Social Media Solutions.  What I found was that for the most part the text-only posts were getting more views, but that the images were getting the most engagement.  That being said, I think this is all about the balance of posting.  Here are a 5 “CANnon Do’s” that I think are worth following.

  1. DO – Mix up your content between text-only, links & images.
  2. DO – Spread your content out over the day (not all at once).  The algorithm doesn’t know which post to give “weight” to if you post too often.  Give yourself a few hours between each update.
  3. DO – Ask for engagement by asking questions, telling your followers to “like” something or use fill in the blank type of posting.
  4. DO – Pay attention to your insights.  These give you valuable information about what types of posts are getting engagement and exposure.
  5. DO – be authentic. Remember that social media is about connection. Be welcoming and conversational.

What do you do to engage on your social media sites? Leave a comment/reply to talk about EdgeRank and Facebook

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