Social Media New Year’s Pledge 2019

(Update 2019)

As we start a new year, it’s time for a reminder about good etiquette and safety when using social media by taking this Social Media New Year’s Pledge for 2019!

(Be sure to read the why’s below the pledge!)


Why are the items in the Social Media New Year’s Pledge in the graphic are so important? Read on…

Social Media New Year’s Pledge…


• Take Facebook Quizzes!

Taking quizzes could put you at risk for identity theft (more information below).

• Pass Along Chain Letters!

Facebook Messenger posts that ask you to post something to your wall (like a heart) and/or to share with at least 10 or more of your friends are chain letters.

As above, so it is true here: chain letters and quizzes can help spread links to phishing scams that steal online account credentials or malicious websites that infect computers or mobile devices with viruses, spyware, ransomware or other malware.

• Share a Picture of a Plane Ticket, RV, Car, Jewelry, etc. to Win!

See above AND know that hackers are looking for people that “fall” for these bogus prizes so they can target them for another kind of scam.

• Copy & Paste a Post “Just in Case”!

When you see something that everyone seems to be copying and pasting, do some research first to find out if what you are seeing is real or fake. These include posts about Facebook stealing your photos, charging for use etc. It also includes some of the missing persons, sick kids, etc. Do your homework before blindly passing on.

• Accept Friend Requests from Strangers.

You are putting yourself and all of your friends at risk when you accept requests from people you do not know. Take a look at the profile and make a better decision. Profiles that are new or have only a picture of the person are usually clues that something is off.

• Post Celebrity Deaths without Verifying.

How many times have Betty White and Morgan Freeman died? Do a Google search first.

• SPAM My Friends with My Business.

Get a professional business page on Facebook or other platform and use this to promote your business. If you want more friends involved, ASK THEM if they want to join a Facebook Group so you can share more information. On your personal profile, DO NOT do before-and after shots and constant product updates and sales. It’s against Facebook rules and frankly, you are alienating your friends. With your business page, an occasional share to your personal side is fine. More than once a week is pushing it!

• Add Anyone to Facebook Groups without Asking.

Ask first, otherwise it’s like SPAM.

• Add Anyone to an Email List without Having Permission.

Having an email address does not give you permission to add anyone to any list. Neither does having a business card or making a LinkedIn connection. Adding without permission is considered SPAM and against the Can-Spam Laws (learn more from this helpful guide).

• Share Old Content As New

Actually click on a link before sharing. Many times when you click, you will find that the content is several months or years old. (This is a good time to verify the information as correct.)

ALSO, as stated above, when sharing information about “Missing” people, it’s a good idea to see how old the information is and to verify if the person is still missing.

These are just a few of the items I regularly see that are putting you and your reputation at risk online.

Do you have any others you would like to add?

Comment below or share on my Facebook Business Page. 

Since you are interested in tips for the new year…read 11 Social Media Tips to Jump Start Your New Year,

Here’s to a successful 2019! Happy New Year!

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